Tired? Overworked? Overwhelmed? Bored? Struggling? Unhappy? This class will rock your world! Over the course of 5 weeks you will learn how to manage stress, transform relationships, feel good in your body, and feel younger and more vibrant than you have in years.

Learn proven techniques to improve your outlook, reverse unhealthy behaviors, and get you into a mindset of enjoying life, feeling healthy and being happy. If you start to look and feel younger, that’s a bonus! Sign up today. You deserve it. Space is limited to 7 women per class so you get lots of one-on-one attention. rightbrainlife.com 

Classes Begin
TUE, OCTOBER 8th    11am - 12pm
WED, OCTOBER 9th    7pm - 8pm

Call Hair, Heart & Soul to sign up 401-253-5200